Community-Based Activities That Promote Self-Care Mediated Goals

 Strategic Public health, awareness and advocacy campaigns at the Nature Network Resource Center

Theme: Grassroots-based field outreaches; meetings and greeting community members; health-care outreach; and recreation

Engaging LGBTIQQ Refugees In Health Practices creates the opportunity for them to contribute not only to self-care mediated goals but to that of the wider society quality life promotion.

The Nature Network Resource Center (TNNRC) has kept her promise and culture to the members by engaging them in health promotion practices and campaigns to better their lives, those of the local host community, and enabling them to build rapport within communities too.

Wasswa Chris is our own resource center, health navigator. Chris not only engages in linking beneficiaries to care but is the one supposed to do home-visits to check up on beneficiaries.

Chris runs workshops on how to engage in effective health promotion activities. It is Chris who demonstrates:
1. Hand-washing, where the emphasis is laid on washing for at least 20 seconds with soap and running water.
2. Proper wearing of the mask, where the nose MUST be covered!
3. Social distancing protocols, where we maintain a 6 feet radius as much as possible.
4. Mask-conscious, where if we are to move out of our homesteads we have to move with masks and sanitizer.

Thanks to all who support our work and for the opportunity to make us effective actors in our communities.


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