Vaginal PrEP, its acceptability and related preferences

In a study by Griffin et Al (2019), it was revealed that emotional state is important in supporting or subverting decisions to engage in life promoting lifestyles.

It is assumed that women need to have tools or materials that they can use to safe guard themselves against say, HIV infection and therefore they can use them without hesitation. However, this is not the case.

In their study to assess popularity of Vaginal Rings infused with PrEP for women, they had to define acceptability to cover a wider meaning.

In the study they defined acceptability as ‘a multi-faceted construct that reflects the extent to which people delivering or receiving a healthcare intervention consider it to be appropriate, based on anticipated or experienced cognitive and emotional responses to the intervention.’

Other parameters they used included: continuation, perceived effectiveness, non-API side effects, comfort, opinion on access, setting, frequency, route of administration, duration, and cost, impact on sex, partner acceptability, and stated preference (or ranking) or discrete choice, disinhibition, opportunity cost, level of education, peer pressure, gyneacological heath status, and sense of acceptance.

So, efforts should be made to enshrine equity, parity and  cultural sensitivity for women to be more progressive and active participants in life promoting matters.


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