Lynching Same Sex Loving Persons in Uganda Is Against The Law. CSOs call an end to it
Ten Things come to mind when same-sex loving persons are the center of conversations, tabloids, gossip columns and victims of lynching.
- The headlines will give an impression that the people talked or written about are from some other planet and need to be dismissed. When their names are mentioned it is done in such a way that they are shamed and denigrated.
- This follows from above. Same sex love expressing persons are reduced to sexual intercourse called “homosexuality” which is oxymoronic hence the condescending talk or tendency to be written about as criminals who don't need to be handled with the deserving dignity of human beings.
- This follows from number two above. Arbitrary arrests without due diligence is the norm for those suspected or caught in the act of same sex sexual acts. These are termed sodomy acts, some kind of license to abuse alleged acts go on with impunity before one is brought to face a judge.
- The legal regime calls for dignity, due diligence and deliberating on cases whether the people being dealt with are terrorists who have the capacity to destabilize a state security. It follows that same sex loving persons, engaging in consensual sex acts in the privacy of their homes need to be treated without bias.
- There are organizations that need to come out strongly to talk, advocate, develop the image and self-esteem of same sex loving persons in Uganda. No more do we like to see stories where there are abuses levied against same sex loving persons not given deserving rebuttals at least by the organizations purporting to work with same sex loving persons.
- There is need to bring conversations around sexuality to the forefront in Uganda as this will help equip people with knowledge and skills to deal with a subject like this one without resorting to criminal lynching.
- There is need to bring conversations around orientation to the forefront in Uganda as this will help equip people with knowledge and skills to deal with a subject like this one without resorting to criminal lynching.
- There is need to bring conversations around gender to the forefront in Uganda as this will help equip people with knowledge and skills to deal with a subject like this one without resorting to criminal lynching.
- There is need to bring conversations around identity to the forefront in Uganda as this will help equip people with knowledge and skills to deal with a subject like this one without resorting to criminal lynching.
- There is need to bring in law enforcement to the forefront in Uganda to curb tendencies of resorting to criminal lynching. This should be in addition to documenting abuses as a way of recording such abuses as seen in the video below for posterity, thus developing a culture of archiving.
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