Kampala Uganda: Majority Transgender in Uganda Cannot Use PrEP Optimally Study Finds

A study by Most At Risk Populations' Society in Uganda (MARPS in Uganda) finds that Knowledge of different HIV care options is basis for informed decisions for quality self-care for Transgender persons enrolled in a PrEP  programme between 2016-2018. 

Lack of this proper knowledge makes it harder for Transgender to use, promote, access prevention and treatment benefits. This is the origin of lack of optimal access and equity.

In a report generated from 120 respondents it was discovered that the majority did not receive full knowledge On PrEP use. 

PrEP is a daily pill to be taken consistently and reduces the risk of acquiring HIV by over 90%. It requires addition use of protection with partner of unknown HIV status, use by HIV-negative and in an ongoing sexual relationship with an HIV-positive partner, for one who has had anal sex without using a condom or been diagnosed with an STD in the past 6 months, regular clinic attendance for viral load testing and continued PrEP use. PrEP use should link into the  comprehensive nature of larger HIV Prevention programmes and options.  


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