Transgender Men's HIV and PrEP Needs Are Not Being Met. Services should be tailor made to be effective

Savas Abadsidis and Cole Hayes in their article titled: Transgender Men's HIV and PrEP Needs Are Not Being Met in a magazine called Plus of February 26th 2018, find that studies should separate trans men from cis women, only then can we start peeling fully addressing the the disparity that continues to be faced by Transgender. For more see below: Underscoring what various trans male activists have argued, a study reveals that HIV-positive trans men (FTM) have significant unmet social and healthcare needs says Research and Study . Approximately half were living in poverty and only 60 percent had sustained viral suppression. “Many transgender men receiving HIV medical care in the United States face socioeconomic challenges and suboptimal health outcomes,” write the authors. “Although these transgender men had access to HIV medical care, many experienced poor health outcomes and unmet needs.” Over two-third...