HIV prevention is a knowledge generator; Empowering LGBTIQQ to own HIV Prevention skills

Prevention as situated knowledge

MARPs in Uganda a local NGO, embarked on synthesizing reports from all its activities and uses standard knowledge development methods. Under the program “structural barriers to ART adherence in the Global South,” one of the themes is looking at prevention as a knowledge generator. HIV prevention has broader social purposes whose generated knowledge can be used to differentiate between formal and informal HIV prevention, planned outcomes and grass-root lived reality. An implementation inequality seems to persist and continuously expand as funded formal structures push out non-funded informal prevention structures. There is an inequality in funding channeled through a prevention industry which mostly dismisses grass-root daily lived experiences and harshness. More HIV Prevention funding goes into overhead costs such as office rent, allowances and salaries. But, there is too little that provides support in form of transport to clinics,  bandaid or nutritional support for an indigent HIV+ve bound in a thatch hut. Scholars have shown that this is a setting in which consequences are risk of drug resistance and negative treatment outcomes. The connectedness and contradictions in our global system is such that the dynamics simultaneously producing oversupply of funding and ARVs for some are the ones providing contexts for funding scarcity and inadequate ARV or Prevention resources for others.


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