The article below still rings true for Africa!
BY FESTUS MOGAE AND STEPHEN LEWIS, 12 JULY 2012 In Uganda and across Africa, HIV continues to prey on women, sex workers and men, who have sex with men. 201207131147.html It is clear that to end the HIV epidemic, we must protect and support these groups. Yet, our country and others enforce bad laws and customs that disempower these groups and make them more likely to be infected with HIV. We cannot hope for an HIV-free generation when we have laws that marginalize and punish those most vulnerable to the disease. A global commission of legal, human rights and HIV leaders recently released a report that showed punitive laws were standing in the way of effective AIDS responses. Archaic laws and customs make women and girls more vulnerable to HIV. Legally condoned violence and oppression - including genital mutilation, sexual violence, denial of property rights and early marriage - undermine the ability of women to protect themselves. Laws ...