After the Anti-gay Act in Uganda, what next?

Syndicated from Faruganda:

February 2014 is a time when the African continent saw two countries have anti-homosexuality Acts go into force. There were round ups for suspected gay people in Nigeria and threats in Uganda. Internationally acclaimed Hollywood star denounced this:
Last week, Uganda's president signed a bill into law that allows sentences of life imprisonment, just for being gay. The law also criminalizes advocacy for LGBT rights with up to seven years imprisonment. In January, Nigeria enacted a similar law that punishes LGBT individuals with up to 14 years in prison, and anyone who supports equality with prison sentences of up to 10 years.
Goldberg says, “it isn’t right to imprison someone for who they are, for who they love.”
Goldberg recognized the anti-LGBT “round ups” that are occurring in Nigeria following enactment of its anti-LGBT law.  Nigerian activists and human rights groups have reported dozens of LGBT individuals have been arrested, many of who work to combatHIV/AIDS in the country. Moreover, immediately after enactment of the anti-LGBT law in Uganda, a Ugandan daily paper published thephotos of 200 “top homosexuals” – putting these individuals in the crosshairs of danger.
In her message, Goldberg highlights the disturbing reality that members of LGBT NGOs “like the Human Rights Campaign” could now be subject to prison sentences in both Uganda and Nigeria. She also criticizes Ugandan and Nigerian officials for listening to the rhetoric of anti-LGBT hate mongers from the U.S. who have promoted these policies abroad. For more read:

One of the oldest NGOs in Uganda providing a platform for self determination of LGBTIQQ in Uganda has this to say:
Freedom and Roam Uganda (FARUG) with dismay and regret condemns the Anti Homosexuality Act accented to by the president of Uganda on Monday 24th, February 2014.
The Act contravenes the fundamental national and international human rights standards and the constitution of Uganda which calls for the protection of the right to privacy, equality and non discrimination. The law also denies Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) persons the rights to freedom of association and peaceful assembly.
 While assenting the Bill, the President said that the country can’t be forced to do something “fundamentally wrong.”
NB. For more read:


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