
Showing posts from March, 2014

Smart cities' and twinning as a model for 'intelligent' urbanization; lessons for Global South countries

A city: A large place where many humans live, located at a given point is called a city or town. In this location, people have been organized in different categories and live side by side. In this setting humans are able to predict and harness their environment. They are able to make forecasts, are aware where to give or get services. They are able to produce food, store it and use it to address future needs. Other social needs:  dialogue among people, conflict-resolution, grazing of animals, treatment of ailments and habitation are addressed too in this setting. In these settings there are those who take on leadership and advisory roles. These people are trusted with a lot of issues. They in turn provide advice and are known to generate thought processes for solutions.  There are other people who engage in other activities like: army, navy, agriculture, medicine, administration, construction, artisanry, innovation and repairs. Cities have become citadels of comfor...

17 Frequently Asked Questions about HIV, AIDS, STDs, Relationships and Skin Infections among MSM/Sexual Minorities in Uganda

How is HIV Spread?                                                                                                                                  People infected with HIV carry the virus in their body fluids, including blood, semen, vaginal secretions, and breast milk. The virus can spread only if these HIV-infected fluids enter the bloodstream of another person. This can take place (1) through the walls of the vagina, rectum, mouth, or the opening at the tip of the penis; (2) through injection with a syringe; or (3) through a break in the skin, such as a cut or sore. The most common ways that people become infected with HIV are: Unprotected sexual intercourse...

Demystifying ten common myths about Homosexuality in Uganda

Myth #1: “They are no big deal” First of all let us agree on terminology. Let us loosely use two words:   straight for heterosexuals and gays for homosexuals. Yes! There are those who are heterosexual and homosexual. This is also known as normativity. There are those who have strictly heterosexual normativity and those who have a homosexual one. This is also termed as orientation, identification or attraction. Surprised?? Well do not be. I see you are still asking where is the big deal? Well it is in how they wish to relate with others and how they wish to be treated in order to enjoy a fuller life, which everyone is entitled to. Myth #2: “Cannot contribute to society yet have a lot of money” This idea springs from what is being said that homosexuality is a Western decadence. It is also said they do not contribute to civic duties. Well, that is tricky. Civic duties can mean attending; a burial, weddings, naming of a child, community clean-up campaigns and keeping an area...

Nepal’s education board has included sexuality and gender diversity as part of the school curriculum on sexual and reproductive health for Classes 6, 7 and 8. The new syllabus on the subject of ‘Health and Physical Education’, includes components on homosexual attraction and third gender (transgenders), among other topics related to sexual health and awareness. Guidelines for instructors emphasize that these topics need to be taught in a way such that students learn to be respectful and sensitive towards transgender and homosexual communities. Sunil Babu Pant, former legislator and a prominent LGBT rights advocate in Nepal says, “This is a huge achievement for Nepal. It took 5 years for this to happen, but we are happy that education is inclusive now. The new generation will have less of sexuality and gender related prejudices and more acceptance of sexual and gender diversity and lives.” Pant, along with the Blue Diamond Society, a rights organization that he founded has been ...