Universal Health Coverage (UHC) What It Takes To Make It Universal

Universal Health Coverage It covers both health and well-being and it means enabling people to live and produce sustainably on the planet. It means a grandmother looking after grandchildren will not have to sell all the crops meant for food to pay for hospital bills. It also means there is insurance coverage for a pandemic such as COVID or Ebola and that countries have the necessary readiness to address diseases/infections. It means humans are made aware that we live on a planet that needs being cared for if we are to be assured of quality life. It has positive and sustainable characteristics which enable individuals and organisations to thrive and flourish. It is a product that is consumable, demanded and produced. It means that a social-political-legal regime allows for grassroots to be mobilized and organized to translate policy, programming and planning into actionable life promoting practices. The policy, programming and planning constitutes the representation, characte...