
Showing posts from December, 2018

Q And A Forum: Anal Douching - The What, How and Why

On a topic such as this it’s best to get right to it and dip your toes in…or a douche as it were. Specifically we are referring to the act of anal douching, its reasons, benefits and some good things to know and consider when cleaning the old pipes! It’s also always good to consider hygiene in any anal play whether it is in preparation or if you plan on making anal douching part of the sexual play itself. Since we are jumping right in it should be noted we will be touching on the dreaded subject of fecal matter. Don’t be skeert! It’s why anal douching is important and since its use is specific to one part of the anatomy both males and females have in common that the same rules apply for both sexes. In fact it should be noted that many people believe the same feminine hygienic products used to douche the vagina are good enough to clean the rectum but most of these products are not created to clean the rectum and contain ingredients that can leave the rectum in an unhealthy state (st...

Q And A Forum: HIV Prevention Tips For Grass Root Organizations

1. Know Your Epidemic 2. Know Your Social Services 3. Know Your Marginalized Population 4. Know Your Needs 5. Know Your Reporting Mechanisms @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ PROACTIVELY PROTECT YOURSELF FROM HIV, BRING DOWN THE VIRUS WITH  TRUVADA FOR PrEP —ONE TABLET, ONCE DAILY The only medication approved to significantly reduce the risk of sexually acquired HIV-1 in individuals at risk, in combination with safer sex practices @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ U.S. AND GLOBAL HEALTH GUIDELINES RECOMMEND  TRUVADA FOR PrEP   IN COMBINATION WITH SAFER SEX PRACTICES TO HELP REDUCE THE RISK OF SEXUALLY ACQUIRED   HIV-1   IN INDIVIDUALS AT RISK ARV Provider Organizations should: Provide criteria for determining a person's risk of HIV infection and for TRUVADA FOR PrEP use Include TRUVADA FOR PrEP as a prevention option for  HIV-1–negative  individuals at risk for HIV infection Emphasize the importa...

Merry Christmas To You!

HIV Must Not Win! Keep working harder, Do not give up.