Review Report On Uganda's Readiness For The Implementation Of Agenda 2030

Background Following the expiration of the Millennium Development Goals development framework and the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in September 2015, Uganda has embraced the principles for sustainable development, namely; people, planet, prosperity, peace, and partnerships, to ensure that “No One is Left Behind”. Accordingly, Uganda is among the first countries to localize the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and has volunteered to conduct a National review under the auspices of the first High Level Political Forum in July 2016. Uganda actively pursued the sustainable development agenda since the early 90’s when it gained ascendancy as a development paradigm. This pursuit has unfolded in three distinct transition phases: post war reconstruction (1986 – 1997); poverty eradication (1997 – 2009); and social economic transformation (2010 -2020). Nearly three decades on from the first United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in 1...